Friday, March 11, 2011

Once upon a blog...

F1rst!!!! XD

So, at the suggestion of a friend, I finally decided to start my own blog. I had debated with myself the notion of having a place to write down some of the things that go through my mind, and the Facebook page just wasn't enough :P

For some reason, I always felt like blogs are to our generation's adult years what diaries were for our childhood and adolescence. But with a hint of defiance and exhibitionism. It's all those little things we never wanted our moms to read, and now we like to show them off. Our thoughts, opinions, crushes, hatreds and pointless rants after one of "those" days.

Don't let the title of my profile here and the variation on the title set you off. "Imperious Perfect" is the name of a card from Magic: The Gathering (tm). It's set in a world where beauty equals divinity. In that world, the Imperious Perfect is - for the duration of their beauty - the height of perfection and, therefore, authority.

I don't claim to be perfect in any way, so the title is not a symptom of any delusions of grandeur on my part. It is, if anything, a tongue-in-cheek remark on all the things/people/situations that are, at any given point in my life imperiously perfect, despite and inspite, of what they were before, and will be after.

On that note: "The worst kind of perfectionist is that whose perfectionism is at risk of offending the self-esteem of others."
(I got that from a book. Don't remember which one. I have the bad habit of collecting quotes that appeal to me without noting the place I'm quoting them from. I'll work on that.)

... So, enjoy and thanks for stopping by :)

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