Friday, December 02, 2011

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”

– from Lady Windermere’s Fan

By Oscar Wilde

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Queen of hearts


Star Sign

Neptune in Sagittarius

Intuitive and may have psychic talents. They want experiences that expand their senses and spirit. They have the potential to understand the meaning life on a deeper level. At the same time, they may be challenged to develop sound judgment or be overly emotional or indecisive.

They are idealistic, love grand ideas and usually enjoy sports. Travel, religion, politics, philosophy and spending time with others like them bring much joy.

Sagittarius Neptune knows how to refine facts and belief into a tolerant, free environment. They can be very sensitive to these matters. They are normally tolerant, but sometimes it is because they are so blinded by their ideals they can't see reality. They have the ability to overcome these challenges if they are willing to work on it.

Sagittarius Neptune will be miserable if they dream only of distress or danger. These fears can take over their life if they are not careful. They much prefer the vision they have of enlightenment reaching into the realms of religion and philosophy. They may also find themselves fascinated by UFOs, prophecy and other forms of unusual phenomena. This can lead to speculation or fantasy that may be taken more seriously than it ought to be.

Neptune in Sagittarius can become a fanatic about their causes unless they learn that delicate balance. This is difficult for them to do. They much prefer one answer… one truth. Acknowledging there may be more to an answer than black and white can be very challenging for them. Once they meet this challenge, they can be more compassionate towards the plights of others.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Star Sign


There is a side to you which loves comfort and the easy life, and unless other factors in your chart indicate strong drive and ambition, you can be lazy and overly permissive with yourself. You enjoy being taken care of and pampered, and self-indulgence is always a temptation for you. If your parents made the unfortunate mistake of indulging you too much as a child, this may be a very hard habit to break. You can be so soft and affectionate that it is hard to say no to you. Eating too many sweets is a vice you are particularly prone to, also.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The solipsism of song

Today, as I riffled through the songs on my mp3 player, and watched others pass by me with their own gadgets, I found myself considering how wonderful our time is. Think of it: we live in a time of humanity's development where it is possible - and, in fact, common - to have possession of music. And this feels natural. We accept without question that everyone is entitled to "their music". 
In truth, this was never the case before. Before our time, music was something that was only rarely available. Unless you knew how to sing or how to play an instrument, before of the mass marketing of music, you would not have access to music on a daily basis.
I think of my grandparents, and of how they only had access to music, sung by singers and played by musicians, on very special occasions. Today, not only we have the means to listen to music whenever we want to, we have the means to choose which songs we want, and we get to carry them around with us, as if they were our amulets.
We also have the opportunity to listen to that music selfishly: through the invention of headphones, we can listen whichever songs we want, without sharing them with anyone. Those headphones also serve the purpose of cutting us off from any external sources of sound that might pollute the experience of "our music".
It has gotten to a point where people are convinced they could not live without music. And this poses an interesting question: have we become addicted to music? Have we stopped enjoying silence? And if we take possession of the songs we like, and give them preference, how do we come in contact with new music?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The masquerade

Reality is perception.
What you see is most often not what you get.
What you see is: what you want to see; what the other person wants you to see; what you think you want to see; what you conclude from the limited information you get.
Getting to know someone is called "getting to know" or "knowing" because it is always a work in progress. It's always occurring, developing, being constructed and de-constructed as you go.
It is a process made of necessary protocol and certain paramount moments that may come about in different stages and times for each specific situation, but that are necessary: the moments of excitement, the moments of disillusionment, the moments of expectation and anxiety, the moments of faith and certainty.
In the beginning, there is always the mask. A person's face, attire and attitude take on an aspect designed to attract others and safeguard one's true self. It is the mask of politeness and grace, of humility, of honesty, of coherence.
Then, as time goes by and situations present themselves, that mask is put under strain, and cracks, revealing glimpses of the soft, vulnerable interior.
That interior either makes the person more attractive, as what you see inside reveals a level of depth you hadn't dreamed of, or it repulses, as it reveals that the mask and the core are not complementary.
You can't blame others for having a mask, for putting on a show. The mask is the highest point of a person's social development, in our cultural context. Our society is based on the duality of the public and the private.
But what you can blame others for is for refusing to accept that they wear a mask. For trying to convince themselves - and everyone else - that they alone are honest, and that everyone else is false.
The solution is not removing your mask, and wanting to remove the mask of others. It's embracing the masks with honesty and accepting the cores with kindness.
Because in the end, only kindness matters.